Tuesday 2 September 2008

Gary Glitter to be deported back to UK next week

Gary Glitter, the convicted child molester and previous glam john Rock star, will be deported back to Britain after his release from a Vietnamese prison next calendar week, his attorney said today.

Glitter, whose actual name is Paul Francis Gadd, was convicted of obscene acts with children in March 2006 and sentenced to three years in prison. The incidents involved iI Vietnamese girls, aged 10 and 11, from the southern coastal city of Vung Tau.

"Police booked his ticket from Ho Chi Minh City to London and I have already paid for the ticket on his behalf," the lawyer, Le Thanh Kinh, told the Associated Press by telephone.

Last year, government cut terzetto months from Glitter's three-year jail sentence for respectable behaviour. Glitter, who has served his term at Thu Duc prison in Binh Thuan province, 87 miles north of Ho Chi Minh City, will be released on Tuesday.

Kinh said Glitter told him several months ago that he did not want to go back to Britain, but Vietnamese legal philosophy requires it. In a recent interview with the Cong An Nhan Dan (People's Police) newspaper, Glitter said he intended to resume his singing career and may move to Singapore or Hong Kong.

Glitter was convicted in Britain in 1999 of possessing child erotica and served half of a four-month jail term. Upon his release, he moved first to Cuba, then southeast Asia. He was expelled from Cambodia in 2002 over allegations of kid sex abuse but was never charged.

Glitter's defence team claimed he had been teaching English to the Vietnamese girls, known in court as D, aged 11 and Ng, elderly 10. Three prosecution witnesses contradicted his story.

Testifying for the prosecution were Hoang Thi Bong, 18, described by officials as a prostitute living with Glitter at the time of the assaults; Glitter's maid Nguyen Thi Anh; and Tran Thi Kim Oanh - D's aunt world Health Organization, according to officials, took the lady friend 190 miles from her home in Can Tho province to have sex with Glitter. Ng, wHO is thought to have been pimped by i of her relatives, lives in Vung Tau.

The homage cited graphical testimony from the girls that Glitter had fondled and molested them repeatedly in his rented house and nearby hotels.

Glitter hit his musical peak in the seventies. His crowd-pleasing anthem Rock and Roll (Part 2) is still played at many sporting events.

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